May 2024 Newsletter

UrbanShift's second newsletter of 2024 reflects on the learnings from the UrbanShift Latin America Forum—four days of learning and collaboration around financing for green and resilient cities hosted in Brazil—and looks ahead to the coming months filled with more capacity building opportunities for cities.

urbanshift quarterly newsletter header for Volume 10

Dear friends and colleagues, 

We’re not even halfway through 2024, and UrbanShift is already calling for and enacting the transformations we need to create more livable cities and a more resilient world. On behalf of C40 Cities, a partner in this GEF-funded initiative to advance integrated approaches to urban planning, I’m thrilled to share what we have accomplished so far this year, and what’s on the horizon for UrbanShift and its network of cities. 

Last month, we hosted over 250 leaders from cities and countries across Latin America along with representatives from the private and financial sectors at the UrbanShift Latin America Forum in the beautiful city of Belém, Brazil. Focused on accelerating financing for green and resilient cities, this Forum convened critical discussions around transforming finance, along with hands-on workshops to build capacity among stakeholders in key areas related to integrated and sustainable urban development. I was honored to take the stage during the Forum’s opening ceremony—alongside colleagues from the GEF, World Resources Institute, UN Environment Programme, ICLEI, and representatives from financial institutions and the Brazilian government—to call for transforming our financing mechanisms to better align with the needs of cities. Cities, after all, are home to most of the world’s population and responsible for the majority of global carbon emissions. The actions we take in cities can not only improve lives and conditions locally, but ripple outward to create a more sustainable planet.  

The UrbanShift Latin America Forum surfaced a wide range of resources and best practices that cities can integrate into their work now to accelerate progress. C40 hosted two in-depth workshops on public-private collaboration: a City-Business Hub focused on how creating urban bioeconomies can protect natural resources and strengthen local economies (read more about the example of Belém here), and a City-Business Climate Alliance Workshop that spurred critical conversations on shifting the tourism industry toward sustainability (for further learning on this important subject, read the C40 guide on city-hotel collaborations to evolve the industry). We also hosted a day-long Investors Roundtable that placed cities into direct dialogue with financers around how to attract more funding to their adaptation-focused projects, and released an investors guide on adaptation projects in Latin American cities. The Forum concluded with three City Academy workshops: Accessing Urban Climate Finance and Circular Economy Strategies for Sustainable Development, both led by ICLEI, and Accommodating Urban Growth for Latin American Cities led by C40. For deeper learning on those subjects and more, enroll in the UrbanShift Online City Academy. 

The intense focus on accelerating urban climate finance during the UrbanShift Latin America Forum will carry through the activities UrbanShift will host with its network of cities over the coming months. From a C40-led Finance Academy for Indonesian and Southeast Asian cities focused on clean energy to a Peer-to-Peer Exchange that will bring cities from China and Indonesia to São Paulo to learn about financing and implementing urban Nature-Based Solutions, we will continue providing tangible, hands-on support to cities while calling for transformative change. We’re honored to have your partnership in this effort.  

Andrea Fernández / Managing Director, Climate Finance, Knowledge, and Partnerships, C40 Cities 


an image for World Environment Day. A person holds a plant sprout against a gently lit sky, and #GenerationRestoration is visible in the foreground.

This year, World Environment Day (WED) will focus on the vital topics of Land Restoration, Desertification & Drought Resilience. Every year on June 5, hundreds of millions of people come together for WED to take global action for the environment—and cities have a big part to play! Cities only occupy 3% of land on Earth but are responsible for 75% of global resource use. By changing this paradigm, they can become a part of the fight against land degradation and droughts.  

Building momentum to tackle these steep challenges starts at the ground level. Every year, leaders and community members organize events around the WED theme to sound a collective call for change. Are there events happening in your city, or are you interested in organizing one? Explore the Practical Engagement Guide and register events on the global map

You can also join the conversation online! Check out the Trello Board with WED branded visuals, key messages, a social media challenge and launch video. 


China City-business Collaboration Accelerator (CiBiX) Workshop 

The objective of the CiBiX Workshops is to increase mutual understanding between the public and private sector of urban sustainability opportunities and needs through targeted and personalized support offered by UrbanShift and ICLEI. In Chengdu, the CiBiX workshop will focus on the continuous increase in urban domestic waste and industrial wastewater discharges, alongside the growing environmental pressure. Chengdu's ambition by 2030 is to implement a solid waste management system that not only addresses the increasing volumes of urban and industrial waste but also significantly incorporates waste treatment and recycling practices into the building and construction industry. The workshop will explore principles of circular development and aims to establish sustainable construction practices that minimize waste and maximize resource efficiency can support this ambition. Learn more. May 28, 2024 

Applying Nature Based Solutions in Cities: A Peer Exchange Between Cities in Asia and Latin America 

Nature-based solutions and green infrastructure provide cost-effective and resource-efficient approaches that increase a city's capacity to respond to disasters and shocks. In this peer exchange, Chengdu city, and an Indonesian city will be hosted by the City of São Paulo to discuss challenges and solutions to integrate nature in urban infrastructure. The two-day exchange will allow cities to gain expert advice on solutions, learn from each successful project implementation and visit some inspiring sites in Sao Paulo. The peer exchange will be hosted in the same week as the ICLEI World Congress 2024, thus giving participants the added opportunity to participate in the congress activities and discussions. Learn more. June 18-21, 2024 

Indonesia Finance Academy 

In July, UrbanShift will host the Energy Finance Academy in Jakarta, Indonesia, with participants from GEF-7 cities in Indonesia, and other cities in the region. Spanning three immersive days, this academy offers an opportunity for city officials and leaders to delve into the intricacies of financing clean energy and energy efficiency projects within urban environments. Through a series of interactive exercises, expert-led discussions, and case studies, participants will gain invaluable insights into innovative financing mechanisms, successful project implementation strategies, and the latest developments in sustainable energy finance. The Energy Finance Academy is led by C40 Cities. Learn more. July 10-12, 2024. 

Indonesia City Academy 

In the coming months, UrbanShift will host the first City Academy in Indonesia, with participants from GEF-7 cities in Indonesia, India and China. Co-hosted by the Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning, this three-day, in-depth training will be attended by global and regional experts on sustainable and integrated urban planning. The Indonesia City Academy will offer the following three courses: Circular Economy, delivered by ICLEI, Urban Nature-Based Solutions, delivered by WRI, and Integrated Climate Action Planning, delivered by C40 Cities. Learn more. August 27-29, 2024. 

Transformative Actions Program (TAP) 2024 Call 

Led by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability and part of the UrbanShift’s finance offer, TAP is a global initiative to help subnational governments and local businesses transform their sustainable infrastructure concepts into solid and investment-ready projects. Projects with great potential for impact can receive personalized feedback and once considered investment-ready, are connected to project preparation facilities and financial partners that will support their implementation. Learn more. Applications open through October 2024.