PEG members will discuss points of alignment around upcoming UrbanShift activities and events according to the 2024 UrbanShift advocacy plan.
The UrbanShift Partnership Engagement Group (PEG) is a high-level, external coordination body that provides strategic guidance on the implementation of key urban initiatives, alliances, networks, and projects that align with the program’s vision and that can complement and expand our work.
The 4th UrbanShift annual PEG Group Meeting will take place on 21 May 2024. PEG members, including GCoM, WWF, IUCN, FAO and the GEF, will convene to discuss UrbanShift’s past achievements and future activities, share updates from each partner organization, and identify synergies for our joint upcoming work. Converging around the 2024 themes for the UrbanShift advocacy plan (multi-level governance and urban financing), this PEG meeting will cast light on the importance of urban transformation and various approaches, such as changing government mindsets and directly improving urban life, both short-term and long-term.
During the meeting, more details will be presented to the PEG regarding the UrbanShift 2024 Advocacy Strategy and the planned workplan for 2024 and beyond, including flagship activities such as the UNEA-6 Cities and Regions Summit (23 February 20240, the UrbanShift Latin America Forum (16 April 2024), UrbanShift’s involvement in CBD COP16 (21 October 2024) and UNFCCC COP29 (11-24 November 2024). Interest for future collaboration among PEG members will also be expressed on UrbanShift City Academies and Global Taskforces, and deeper engagement with partners on these specific topics will be facilitated.

3rd UrbanShift Partnership Engagement Group Meeting
PEG members discussed points of alignment around upcoming UrbanShift activities like the Asia Forum and advocacy events.
Partnership Engagement Group

UrbanShift Latin America Forum
Focusing on the theme of financing for green and resilient cities, this Forum offered capacity-building and networking opportunities for cities across Latin America.

National Climate Finance Vehicles: Best Practice Insights from International Case Studies
The report presents a model design framework and readiness criteria for clarifying the key factors supporting effective operation and achieving prioritized climate outcomes and sustainable development.