
Buenos Aires City Academy

The first UrbanShift City Academy in Latin America and the Caribbean brought together participants from 25 cities to receive training on urban biodiversity planning and management and designing vibrant, people-centric neighborhoods.

date & time
25 Oct 2022, 12:00PM UTC
Buenos Aires, Argentina
hosted by
World Resources InstituteUnited Nations Environment Programme
UrbanShift Buenos Aires City Academy participants and organizers

UrbanShift Buenos Aires City Academy participants and organizers

The first UrbanShift City Academy in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from October 25-27, 2022. The three-day workshop was funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and organized by the World Resources Institute (WRI) in collaboration with the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Climate Change Secretariat from the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Argentina (MAyDS).

The academy brought together 49 participants from 25 cities in the region, in addition to key national government representatives from Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, Paraguay and Peru. These senior-level representatives participated in two trainings, offered in parallel at the workshop: Urban Biodiversity, delivered by WRI; and Green and Thriving Neighborhoods, delivered by UNEP Cities unit.

The trainings combined presentations from local and international experts and the participating cities with interactive exercises, sharing of best practices, and a site visit to the Urban Nature Reserve of Morón to demonstrate biodiversity management and neighborhood integration efforts in the metropolitan region of Buenos Aires. 

Key speakers at the academy included representatives from the GEF, the World Economic Forum (WEF), UN-Habitat, the World Bank, the Ministries of Science, Technology and Innovation of Brazil (MCTI) and Environment and Sustainable Development of Argentina (MAyDS), National System of Conservation Units of Costa Rica (SINAC), the Humboldt Institute (Colombia), CICLA consulting (Argentina), Urban Morphology and Complex Systems Institute (France), National Works and Public Services Bank (BANOBRAS, Mexico), C40 Cities, and the organizing partners and invited cities.

Below, you can find the agendas, presentations and photographs from the UrbanShift City Academy in Buenos Aires.




Site Visit in the Urban Nature Reserve of Morón, received by the Mayor of Morón, Lucas Ghi.
Site Visit to the Urban Nature Reserve of Morón, where the participants were received by the Mayor of Morón, Lucas Ghi.