September 2024 Newsletter: Climate Finance Edition

In this third special finance-focused newsletter, we take stock of resources and opportunities for local governments on accessing finance, while Maryke van Staden, Director of ICLEI’s carbonn Climate Center, reflects on recent UrbanShift events and highlights opportunities to come.

the banner for the urbanshift quarterly newsletter

Dear friends and colleagues, 

Over the past year, UrbanShift’s finance activities and the support offered to cities within our network have made significant strides. As finance is at the heart of every urban sustainability project, an important part of our work focuses on enhancing local governments’ capacity to access the resources and support they need.  On behalf of ICLEI — part of the UrbanShift partner network along with C40, WRI and UNEP — I am delighted to share our recent progress in this space in this special finance edition of the UrbanShift quarterly newsletter.  

Just over halfway through 2024, UrbanShift already has much to reflect on and look forward to. In April 2024, we gathered over 250 leaders from 35 countries across Latin America and the Caribbean for the UrbanShift Latin America Forum—a robust and dynamic exchange on accelerating finance for green and resilient cities. The next month, we gathered in Chengdu, China for the City-Business Collaboration Accelerator (CiBiX) workshop – a tailored conversation led by ICLEI experts to foster cooperation between public and private sector partners on unlocking investment in the waste sector. In July, officials from Indonesian cities participated in the Energy Finance Academy to dive deep into best practices on preparing and financing clean and efficient energy projects. And just recently, we delivered a City Academy in Jakarta that explored nature-based solutions, circular economy approaches, and climate action strategies—and how to finance them—for Asian cities.  

Alongside the flurry of finance-focused UrbanShift activities this year, we have continued to democratize access to resources and opportunities for a broad range of cities. ICLEI’s Transformative Actions Program (TAP), for instance, supports local governments to strengthen their resilience project proposals. The current TAP call for projects is open until October 31st; you can find out more about how to apply for it—and a range of other technical assistance opportunities within the UrbanShift network—below. The past months have also seen the release of essential resources and tools on financing a wide range of projects to further urban sustainability and resilience, from biodiversity to net-zero buildings. Make sure you read through them below.  

Next month will mark three whole years since UrbanShift officially launched in September 2021. Since then, our commitment to accelerating access to urban climate finance access remains steadfast, and we are looking forward to several events (find out all the details below) that highlight best practices for creating—and funding—the sustainable cities we and our planet need to thrive. 

We will continue to share more knowledge, opportunities, experiences, and resources on finance access with you. Please follow us our progress on LinkedIn and X, and join hands to collectively build greener, more resilient cities.  

Maryke van Staden / Director of ICLEI’s carbonn Climate Center 


Teresina Receives Light-Touch Technical Assistance Funding from UrbanShift and C40 Cities

From a competitive pool of applications, the Brazilian city was selected to receive support to overcome financing barriers to urban drainage and regeneration projects. Read more.  

Watch the What, Why and How of Climate Budgeting

Catch the insightful conversation between Oslo Mayor, Eirik Lae Solberg, and Mark Watts of C40 on Oslo’s climate budgeting approach and hear from Enver Enver, Interim CFO of the Greater London Authority, on operationalizing London’s climate action plan. Video available in English, French, Mandarin, Portuguese, and Spanish. Watch here

Listen in on Green Bonds and Green Finance Models in Municipalities

This episode of Kaj Embren’s Transformers podcast highlights the innovative use of green bonds by municipalities to finance sustainable infrastructure projects. Maryke van Staden from ICLEI, Björn Bergstrand from Kommuninvest, and Sean Kidney from the Climate Bonds Initiative discuss how to enhance municipal creditworthiness and promote collaboration between finance and sustainability departments. Listen here.  

Costa Rica Debuts New Educational Space Focused on Sustainable Cities

With the support of Global Environment Facility funding, the UrbanShift project in Costa Rica, Transition to a Green Urban Economy, opened a new exhibit where kids can learn about and interact with ideas for resilient cities. Read more.  


Catalog of Financing Opportunities   

The Catalogue of Opportunities is an annually updated resource curated by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability. It features a comprehensive collection of programs, funds, and initiatives designed to support local governments in the preparation and implementation of their projects. Each opportunity is detailed with its scope and the type of support it offers, providing valuable guidance for local authorities seeking to advance their sustainability goals. Explore the Catalogue

Transformative Actions Program (TAP) 2024 Call 

Led by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, also as part of the UrbanShift global support offer, local governments and their local partners are invited to respond, by submitting local infrastructure projects seeking project preparation support and investment. The TAP brings together partners, financial institutions, and project preparation facilities to assist subnational governments in turning their priority sustainable infrastructure ideas into finance-ready projects that can be pitched to potential investors. Learn more about TAP, join our webinars, and submit your applications to TAP here. Deadline: 31 October 2024. 

City Climate Finance Gap Fund  

The Gap Fund – implemented by the World Bank and European Investment Bank – offers technical assistance to local governments in low and middle-income countries for early or underfunded stages of project identification and preparation. Apply here for potential pre-feasibility support by the Gap Fund. Applications can be submitted throughout the year.   

International Municipal Investments Fund Technical Assistance Facility (IMIF-TAF) 

Managed by the UNCDF, the IMIF TAF assists urban investment opportunities in middle- and lower-income countries with development and late-stage project preparation. It focuses on projects of less than USD 25 million that can be financed in partnership with the private sector. Projects that receive the support from IMIF TAF can be submitted to the IMIF with a better chance of success. Apply here. Deadline: 23 May 2025.