Register for our upcoming virtual events to learn more about low-carbon urban development strategies and hear the experiences of stakeholders in UrbanShift countries and cities, and watch recordings of past events.
Scaling up Urban Climate Finance through Multi-level Governance
Centering on the launch of the UrbanShift 2023-2024 Annual Report, this UNEP-led webinar will highlight learnings and best practices for strengthening urban resilience.
UrbanShift at World Urban Forum: Scaling-up Financing for an Urban Shift towards Nature-Positive and Climate-Resilient Cities
Drawing from the experience of UrbanShift cities, this dynamic discussion focused on scaling up finance to strengthen SDG action in cities.
UrbanShift at CBD COP16: From Setbacks to Solutions—How Cities Lead on Biodiversity
Drawing from the experiences of GEF cities, including under UrbanShift, and GenerationRestoration cities, this event focused on how cities are taking transformative action to address their challenges and navigating around roadblocks to change.