the cover of the 2023 TAP annual report

Transformative Actions Program: UrbanShift Annual Report 2023

This report summarizes the results of the 2023 TAP call, which received applications between April 2023 and February 2024, as well as the activities conducted with the projects which were previously in the pipeline.


The Transformative Actions Program (TAP), led by ICLEI and supported by UrbanShift, assists subnational governments in securing financing for net zero emission and climate resilient infrastructure projects. As part of the broader UrbanShift finance offer, TAP increased its support for GEF-6 and GEF-7 cities in 2023, providing project application screening, expert technical support, and connections with investors and project preparation facilities. This Annual Report summarizes the outcomes of the 2023 TAP call, focusing on the applications received from UrbanShift cities, and highlights activities and progress since 2021.