Case Study

Surat, India: Rooftop Solar Panels Project
Model: Enabling Innovation
Surat’s rooftop solar programme created a model for solar panel installation in India. Today there are more than 400 solar panel vendors and 45,000 households with rooftop solar panels installed in the city.

Toward Sustainable Cities: Transit-Oriented Growth and Green Bonds in India's Urban Transformation
The UrbanShift India National-Local Dialogue, led by ICLEI South Asia, explored how sustainable infrastructure, Transit-Oriented Development, and innovative financing can shape resilient urban growth in India's rapidly expanding cities.

Adaptation Finance Academy for Indian Cities
This three-day event will connect Indian cities with the finance sector to accelerate investments in urban nature projects.

Reflections from International Youth Day
UrbanShift's Youth Day webinar highlighted inspiring youth and city led sustainability initiatives from China, India, Indonesia and Sierra Leone, with speakers reiterating the importance of meaningfully engaging young people in climate action.

Engaging youth in climate action: Pragmatically moving forward
Young people must be involved in critical decisions concerning their future and given an active role in addressing the climate emergency. Join UrbanShift for a lively discussion on this topic on International Youth Day.