Case Study
Salta, Argentina: Greener Hotels Certification
Model: Market-Shaping Policy & Regulation
Salta is partnering with the Argentina Association of Hotels (AHT) to mainstream the Greener Hotels sustainable tourism certification. The city aims to have the largest number of certified hotels in the country by 2025.
Case Study
Mendoza, Argentina: Urban Laboratory
Model: Enabling Innovation
Case Study
Buenos Aires, Argentina: Circular Economy Network
Model: Non-Commercial Convening
Toward Sustainable Cities: Transit-Oriented Growth and Green Bonds in India's Urban Transformation
The UrbanShift India National-Local Dialogue, led by ICLEI South Asia, explored how sustainable infrastructure, Transit-Oriented Development, and innovative financing can shape resilient urban growth in India's rapidly expanding cities.
Revolutionizing Cities for a Greener, Low-Carbon Future
The first UrbanShift National-Local Dialogue in China, led by ICLEI East Asia, focused on integrating biodiversity and low-carbon strategies into urban planning.