Case Study
Freetown, Sierra Leone: The Tree Town Campaign Private Sector Engagement
Model: Business-Focused International Partnerships
#FreetownTheTreetown is Freetown’s ambitious tree planting programme, through which the city planted over 600,000 trees between 2018 and 2023. The goal is to reach 1 million by the end of 2023.
Unlocking Africa's Urban Potential: Improving Informal Settlements through Sustainable Planning
As Africa experiences rapid urban growth, this webinar will shed light on best practices for managing informal settlements and expanding sustainably.
Freetown Climate Action Strategy
Freetown's first attempt toward delivering on its commitment to the Paris Agreement, this strategy presents innovative, evidence-based solutions to help the city adapt to climate risks while strengthening mitigation efforts.
Clean Energy & Buildings Finance Academy
Hosted in Cape Town, this UrbanShift workshop brought together eight cities to discuss the promotion and financing of small-scale clean energy generation on public and private buildings.
How Africa’s First Chief Heat Officer is Helping to Create a More Resilient Freetown
As extreme heat rises across the globe, Eugenia Kargbo is showing how cities can prioritize strategies to mitigate risks and support residents' wellbeing.