Case Study

eThekwini, South Africa: Open Data Crisis Map
Model: Enabling Innovation
In the midst of extreme flooding, the eThekwini municipality partnered with two local tech start-ups who had created a digital mapping tool connecting residents to humanitarian relief resources. With 1,600 daily users at the time, this map helped the city’s crisis response and contributed towards its climate preparedness efforts.

C40 City-Business Climate Alliance Workshop | Cape Town, South Africa
Convening workshop for African cities and businesses to address key climate challenges

Cape Town, South Africa: Energy Water Waste Forum
Model: Non-Commercial Convening
Clean Energy & Buildings Finance Academy
Hosted in Cape Town, this UrbanShift workshop brought together eight cities to discuss the promotion and financing of small-scale clean energy generation on public and private buildings.
Exploring Sustainability in Shenzhen: An Exchange on City-Business Cooperation
Shenzen is a leader in nature-positive, low-carbon development. This UrbanShift Peer-to-Peer Exchange highlighted ideas for how cities across Asia can learn from their innovation.