
Honey bee on lavender

Biodiversity in UrbanShift Cities

Comparable Indicators to Measure the Health of Nature in Urban Areas

These online reports, with interactive maps and figures, provide indicators to measure the state of biodiversity in UrbanShit cities based on comparable global datasets.

To help understand the status of sustainability in UrbanShift cities and identify existing and potential challenges, we have measured key baseline indicators for the program's 23 primary cities using comparable approaches. The indicators selected can help to establish targets aligned with three of the Global Environment Facility’s focal areas for its current investment cycle (GEF-7): biodiversity, climate change and land degradation. The reports presented here are focused on biodiversity.

Interactive reports on biodiversity indicators for the primary UrbanShift cities will be added to this page once complete. Please click on the name of the city to access the relevant report. 
  • Argentina
  • Brazil
  • Costa Rica
  • China
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Morocco
  • Rwanda
  • Sierra Leone

Data to measure these indicators is mainly derived from global open-source datasets and the resulting analyses and their specific input datasets will be published openly on the UrbanShift Data Hub. The objective of the indicators is to assess the status and trends of change within each city, providing information to distinguish patterns within and between cities and assist in detecting problems and defining solutions. The outputs will be disseminated to local and national governments and the UrbanShift partners to help them gain a better understanding of the cities’ capacity, opportunities and needs as it relates to sustainability. We will update these measurements at least once before the end of the program to reflect any changes.