Brazil National Dialogue

The first National Dialogue for Brazil aligned stakeholders from across levels of government to further innovative and sustainable strategies for urban development.

date & time
20 Nov 2023, 2:00PM UTC
Florianopolis, Brazil

Cassiano Psomas / Unsplash

The first National-Local Dialogue for Brazil aligned stakeholders from various government levels to advance innovative and sustainable urban development strategies. This full-day event brought together representatives from diverse institutions and government levels to coordinate around the UrbanShift Brazil project, CITinova II. Given the project's goal to advance sustainable urban solutions and align city-level strategies with national climate goals, effective communication and planning across government levels are crucial.

UrbanShift facilitated a series of in-depth discussions on how integrated planning efforts can incorporate new tools and methodologies to accelerate sustainable development in Brazil's urban areas. By uniting stakeholders in collaborative and productive discussions, the dialogue showcased innovative solutions for integrating urban-environmental planning into sustainable development in the metropolitan sphere. Participants obtained up-to-date information on capacity-building needs and specific challenges that could be addressed during the CITinova II project in Brazil. Additionally, the dialogue sparked the commitment of local and national governments to discuss actions to strengthen metropolitan management and governance.