In this special finance-focused newsletter, we hear from ICLEI's UrbanShift project director on the importance of providing cities access to reliable climate finance, showcasing reports, case studies and opportunities for cities to enhance their knowledge of financing strategies and secure funding for green infrastructure projects.

Dear friends and colleagues,
As ICLEI’s project director for UrbanShift, I am excited to share some reflections with you in this special climate finance edition of the UrbanShift newsletter.
We’re seeing the growing understanding that tackling climate change in urban areas is essential to build local resilience and make progress towards net-zero emissions. Access to climate finance is a key part of the solution, but current finance and investment flows do not meet actual demand for local priority projects.
ICLEI launched the Transformative Actions Program (TAP) in 2015 and since then, we have been working diligently to enable access to finance for local climate action, supporting subnational governments in developing robust urban infrastructure projects. The TAP also serves UrbanShift; all cities involved in GEF-funded projects are invited to submit their ideas to the TAP pipeline. This work is closely interlinked with other UrbanShift activities, such as the Finance Academies, strategic planning labs, and other regional and country capacity building offered by the consortium.
Enjoy this finance-focused UrbanShift newsletter! We hope you continue to follow our work, benefit from the finance case studies and reports in the resources section, avail of the featured opportunities and events, and join us to deliver on UrbanShift’s mission to build a better urban future for all.
Maryke van Staden / Director of ICLEI’s Bonn Center for Local Climate Action and Reporting (carbonn Climate Center)

Rwanda unveils $175 million urban development initiative
The Rwanda Urban Development Project II is one of nine UrbanShift local interventions, and focuses on climate resilient infrastructure, service delivery and ecosystem rehabilitation in Kigali and additional cities.

World Bank Approves UrbanShift’s Local Project in China
One of nine GEF-funded country interventions, the UrbanShift China project aims to integrate biodiversity conservation, nature-based solutions and carbon neutrality into the development pathway of three participating cities.

UrbanShift hosts first City Academy in Kigali, Rwanda
The three-day workshop brought together participants from 20 African cities to learn about and exchange ideas on climate action planning and nature-based solutions as tools to create greener, more resilient cities.

Supporting Integrated Urban Growth in Freetown
The UrbanShift Lab in Freetown brought together representatives from the capital and neighboring cities to assess and find sustainable solutions for managing urban growth and climate risks in Sierra Leone.

Transformative Actions Program for UrbanShift
This report summarizes the recent activities of the Transformative Actions Program (TAP) and highlights the challenges of accessing climate finance in global South cities.

Banking on a Just and Green Recovery
This report provides nine case studies of cities that are finding innovative ways to finance and implement projects with a focus on inclusion, equity, and a green and just recovery.

Financing Sustainable Mobility as a Road to Urban Integration
Launched in 2017, Circuito Sur is a sustainable mobility project in Mérida, Mexico that aims to connect the city's underserved southern areas with the center, representing the first step toward a model of urban regeneration, inclusion and resilience.

Financing Urban Transformation: Don’t Leave It Up to Cities Alone
International development institutions have a crucial role to play in the multilevel effort to finance green, low-carbon urban infrastructure projects, as does the private sector.

How to decide if green bonds are right for your city
Green bonds can provide attractive financing options for climate projects in various sectors, but bond issuance is not possible in every context. In this guide, we explain how you can decide if green bonds are a good option for your city.
Transformative Actions Program (TAP)
The TAP supports local and regional governments to transform their resilient development infrastructure concepts into mature, bankable projects ready for financing and implementation. Submit your project. December 15, 2022.
City Climate Finance Gap Fund
The Gap Fund, implemented by the World Bank and European Investment Bank, helps cities in low- and middle-income countries to realize their climate ambitions and turn climate-resilient ideas into strategies and finance-ready projects. Apply for support. Applications accepted throughout the year.
International Municipal Investment Fund Technical Assistance Facility
This project preparation facility supports cities in low- and middle-income countries on projects that have return-on-investment potential by providing technical assistance and direct investments. Apply for support. August 15, 2023.
UrbanShift Webinar: Engaging Youth in Climate Action
UrbanShift's next webinar will bring together city government representatives, youth representatives and experts to discuss practical steps that cities can take to ensure meaningful youth participation in local climate action. Register to attend. August 12, 2022.
Climate Week NYC 2022
Considered the largest climate event in the world, Climate Week NYC is structured around 10 themes, including finance, focusing on financial opportunities to identify and mitigate climate risks as part of a green recovery. Register to attend. September 19-25, 2022.
Daring Cities 2022
This year's edition of Daring Cities, a virtual climate forum hosted by ICLEI, is dedicated to climate action financing and will include sessions on the governance and use of public finance for sustainable cities, innovative finance, and a pitch event dedicated to TAP projects. Find out more. October 3-7, 2022.
COP27: Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt
The 27th annual UN Climate Change Conference will focus on mobilizing collective efforts for emission reductions, enhancing transformative adaptation, enabling finance and delivering on-the-ground solutions on time and at scale. Details about UrbanShift's participation at COP27 coming soon. November 6-18, 2022.

World Urban Forum 11
At UrbanShift's session during the World Urban Forum (WUF) in Katowice, Poland, we heard from global partners and country stakeholders about the need to accelerate the shift toward nature-positive, climate-proof development.

Freetown Strategic Planning Lab
At this two-day workshop, 50 participants from Freetown met with the UrbanShift team to discuss the challenges of regulating climate risks and managing urban growth in Sierra Leone.

What would cities look like if they were designed by women?
This UrbanShift webinar brought together a group of inspirational women to discuss how gender-inclusive urban planning and design can reshape gender roles and create safer, happier and more equitable cities for all.

Kigali City Academy
UrbanShift's first City Academy brought together 75 participants from 20 cities in Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Morocco, offering in-person trainings on Integrated Climate Action Planning and Nature-Based Solutions.

ICLEI World Congress: Strategies for resilient and healthy communities
At the ICLEI World Congress in Malmö, Sweden, UrbanShift cities from Asia, Africa and Latin America met to share knowledge on best practices in local sustainable development and learnt firsthand from Malmö’s sustainability initiatives.

San José Strategic Planning Lab
The first UrbanShift Lab brought together 48 participants representing 23 institutions from the San José Metropolitan Area, Costa Rica, offering a hands-on workshop on urban regeneration.
UrbanShift's mission is to transform cities for people and planet through integrated urban development. We engage with more than 23 cities across nine countries (China, India, Indonesia, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Morocco, Costa Rica, Brazil and Argentina), bringing together local and global stakeholders to build a resilient, inclusive, zero-carbon urban future. Learn more.